If you've met Nellie and Kevin, you probably recognize how much they are alike. They have the same hair color, the same sense of humor, the same eating habits (happy either to skip breakfast or just eat a slab of meat or pile of eggs) and they look alike. In fact, when we got our ultrasound pictures before Nellie was even born, we took one look at her profile and said, "she looks just like Kevin!" As I've often said, Wernet blood runs strong. I think Kevin's genes flat out trumped mine.
But what I failed to pass on in nature, there are glimmers of hope for nurture. At Christmas, the elementary grades decorated their hallway with an elaborate Nativity scene. Nellie's class had the wise men. Every student made a wise man with a speech bubble saying what they would personally bring baby Jesus if they visited him. She brought hers home after the (so incredibly long) break. It read, "I am bringing Jesus diapers, because he doesn't know how to use the potty yet." So practical!
And this little gem today--I called the kids down to put their coats on and it took a few minutes before they responded. Finally, Nellie came down. She told me, "we were just having so much fun organizing our room!"
I'm not sure I'm passing on my best qualities, ahem, but I know she's paying attention.