Friday, January 5, 2018

Super Mario Bros.

Thanks to Colin H., DJ got Super Mario Bros. for the Wii (which is newly re-hooked up in the  basement play area). He was downstairs for roughly 2.5 minutes before coming up to find me to help him. No way. In my world, kids do not need their parents to help them with video games. I tried the ignorance card (sorry, it's not very feminist-y of me.)

Me: No, DJ. Kids play video games. Mom's don't know how to.

I tried the important jobs card.

Me: No, DJ. Moms have lots of jobs to do. I can't help with video games.

It didn't work. I went down and modeled for him how to start the first level. And promptly died.

DJ: Mom, you killed me!

Me: I told you, I am not any better at this than you are! Let me try again.

[After my 10th round] DJ: Okay mom. Okay mom. OKAY MOM.

Me: Hold on, I think there are coins down here. If you get a hundred coins you get a new guy.

New guy?! What are these words even coming out of my mouth? 

It's like something deep in my soul is stirring within me...

My current status

1 comment:

  1. Oh my- this is so great! You are in deep now- you'll be dreaming of playing Super Mario tonight! Bahaha
