Thursday, February 1, 2018

This one time, in grad school...

I got coffee with Kevin today and remembered something "funny" from my past life. It was a particularly intense time, between starting dissertation research and figuring out life with three kids. One day I met a fellow student/friend at the same coffee shop, where we worked for hours analyzing data for a manuscript. When it was time to pick up Nellie from school, my keys were nowhere to be found. My friend searched around our table and I went out to look in the van. Where I found the keys. In the ignition. With the van running. I'd been there for over three hours.

At the time, I was embarrassed and worried there might actually be something wrong with me. I'm pretty sure I went back in and just told my friend I'd found the keys and left.

Now, I'm glad it happened, because every time I go somewhere and I DON'T do that, I feel like I'm doing pretty great at life!

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