Monday, February 19, 2018

Eddie, 3.5

It's a little sad; Eddie talks to us nonstop at home and says the funniest and sweetest little things, but around most other people he's wary and quiet. Mary Cate seems to be rubbing off on him. Here are a few of his recent sayings that he said in all seriousness and had us secretly laughing.

"Mom, I'm sorry but I have some bad news. Daddy does not have a blankie."

Eddie is very into potty humor right now. It's gotten to the point where we can't ignore it anymore. We've been talking with him about appropriate jokes and times to use potty words in advance of starting preschool next year. He walked up to me the other day and said earnestly while counting off on his fingers, "Pee is funny. Poop is funny. Toots are funny."

He's been very cuddly again lately. We all spent the night at a hotel this weekend and were watching TV in the morning. One of the kids said it was 7:58, to which Eddie responded, "It's Snuggle fifty-eight!"

After putting on his suit and Thomas goggles, we caught Eddie looking into the mirror in our room singing, "I'm so fansome, fansome, fansome."

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