Saturday, January 4, 2020

Things Eddie says

I love all my kids the exact same amount (infinity), but I hope and pray for everyone's sake that all families in the world have at least one easy-going child. It's no secret that Eddie is one. He's got his things, of course, but Eddie can be generally be counted on to be kind-hearted and agreeable.

Here are a few good Eddie one-liners:

"Awesome." This is his response to any question like, "How was your day?" or "How are you doing?" And it's not a flippant or automatic response. He pauses to think about it for a second, that answers emphatically, "Awesome." Every time. It is, in a word...awesome.

"Mom! You are like a girl Hulk! You have Hulk muscles!"

"[Sighing] Aren't we lucky that God made snow so sparkly?"

"Mom! I can hear your heart beeping! I was snuggling with your heart, and I can hear it!"

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