Sunday, July 19, 2020

Summer fun, slightly revised

For the first few weeks of summer, when anyone asked how it was going, the best I could come with was, "weird." After 12 weeks at home, transitioning to summer didn't have quite the same feeling as usual. I'm still working a lot more than in a typical summer. We can't do most of the things that usually keep us busy, like trips to the zoo, museum, and playgrounds or long weekends at the lake. We thought about a camping trip and had it pretty much planned before Nellie reminded us that she was in no state to sleep on the ground or move around a campsite.

But then Sarah and Alex invited us for a camping weekend in their backyard! It was doable because Nellie could sleep indoors, and the creek and pond provided all the summer fun we could need. We waded, swam, kayaked, floated, had a bonfire, made s'mores, lighted sparklers, ate every meal outdoors--it certainly felt like real camping!

Over the 4th of July, we finally had our first overnight at Gull Lake. We were able to manage social distancing by staying outdoors most of the time and only going into and sleeping in the basement. Other than the parade, we got to do all the things we love on the 4th, including watching the fireworks from the boat. And we participated in the sign decorating for a virtual parade and actually won the prize for "best family photo." 

Now, the boys have started baseball and t-ball with some modified rules to keep the kids healthy, and the girls are doing virtual camps through the Wharton Center for acting and dance. With everything else going on in the world and the looming uncertainties of the next school year, we've appreciated these nice little spaces for familiar summer fun. And I think we've started some new traditions in the process!

The kids found a clay deposit in the creek and hauled up a sled full of it to play with. They spent hours making clay pots and bowls.

I never thought I'd see all the kids swimming in a pond, but they sure had fun. Nellie discovered she could still kayak in her boot.

The award-winning photo :)

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