Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I really did it. I started a blog. Kevin teases me just for reading other people's blogs, and here I am with my own. It really boils down to one thing, though, which is that I am terrible about keeping baby books. I stopped writing one for Nellie right around the time Annie was born, which was about the same time I stopped writing one for Annie. (Annie, I am sorry. It's the sad story of the second child.) And there's just so much I want to remember, that I tell myself I will simply remember, but I know I won't. Especially now that I'm a full-time student, things are busy and I'm afraid to miss something. So here it is, a place where I can record the silly and crazy things that happen around our house. This way, if I don't write for awhile (or make grammatical errors) I can count on my mom to--shall we say--remind me. So, Kevin, Nellie, Annie, and Mom, and anyone else who stumbles upon this--enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogging! I'll look forward to it. Do you think you'll post more than once a week? ;-)
    By the way, darling second child. YOU have a baby book. And lots of photos. You can do this.
