Sunday, April 11, 2010


I've been neglecting the poor blog lately, but that's just because life has been very full! Here are some of the highlights.

We did a 5-K race on March 27th, and Nellie "ran" the 100 yard dash. Well, Kevin kind of dragged her, but at least her feet were on the ground. She was supposed to "run" the 1/2 mile, but one appearance by Ronald McDonald and it was ALL OVER. We did follow up with playing on the playground, watching a helicopter take off, the bounce house, pancakes with Emily and Chris, so it was a good day.

Easter weekend, we: had Breakfast with the Bunny at the children's museum (Nellie even sort of gave the bunny a high five and told him, "Hoppy Easter." Very funny when you're 2), went to the Wernet Easter party which included a giant egg hunt, pinata, and crazy cousin fun time, church, egg hunt with Xander, lasagna dinner with the Wacyks minus mom and dad and Dave and Laurel, and lots of fun times with Emily And Friends.

We moved in with my mom and dad while Kevin tiled the kitchen floor over his spring break. This has been overall great. High adult-to-child ratio.

During this time, the girls have been to the airport, the capitol, the library, the butterfly gardens at Frederick Meijer, visited Grandma Cathy and Papa Roger, played with the neighbor kids, celebrated my dad's birthday...we're exhausted! Maybe that's why the girls have ACTUALLY BEEN SLEEPING WELL. I'm kind of dreading the move home!

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