Sunday, September 25, 2011

What's in a name?

Annie has taken to calling Nellie "Nellie Rose," or more precisely, "My NeNe Rose." So all day long, it's, "Where my NeNe Rose, my Mommy?" and other such Annie-isms. Very sweet.

On a different note, Nellie now has two different books about cowgirls (Every Cowgirl Needs a Horse and Nellie and the Bandit--both fun books) in which the main character's name is Nellie. Which makes me wonder if it's a country bumpkin name...? Oh well, we're keeping it!

Oh, and baby brother does not have a name yet, not even close.


  1. My great grandma's name was Nellie. She was always one of my favorite people. Very hard working. Her middle name was Genevieve which is also my middle name. She lived up in Carson City area, it's pretty country up there. (Kevin posted your blog on fb and I have read some of your blogs some are pretty funny)
    Denise Brendahl

  2. Denise I just read this! I need to get better about going through the comments. That's great...Genevieve is also Kevin's sister!
