Friday, February 1, 2013

Wernet Theory of Relativity

I have a new theory, and here it is: The amount of time to prepare your family to leave the house will exceed the allowed time by a minimum of fifteen minutes.

Or, if you prefer,

xy +15, where x = amount of time to leave the house and y = allowed time.

So, for example, if you wake up at 6:30 and need to leave at 7:30, it will take you an hour and fifteen minutes to get in the car.

But that's where the relativity part comes in. Because if you wake up at 7:15 and you need to leave at 7:30, it will take you thirty minutes to get in the car. If you wake up at 5:30, it will take you a whopping two hours and fifteen minutes. Maybe it will involve poop-covered pajamas, maybe a missing shoe or mitten. Doesn't matter.

Basically, regardless of how early you start getting ready to leave, and regardless of where you're going, you will fill all the available time, and be at least fifteen minutes late. And by you, I mean we.

1 comment:

  1. You are hillarious Jamie and it is so true...i would not explain any better.
