Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Kevin the chef

The other night, Kevin was sauteing some mushrooms and onions. He has this technique where the food flies several inches in the air, and then he catches them again without dropping any. Nellie saw it and was very impressed. I remember being pretty impressed by it myself in our early days of marriage! I asked her, "didn't you know that Daddy used to be a chef?" Now, chef might not exactly be the right word. I mean, he was a prep and fry cook at TGI Fridays, and a grill cook at a pub in Kalamazoo. Anyway, you'd have thought I told her Kevin used to be the king of England. She yelled to Annie, "Daddy used to be a chef!" Then she asked, very excitedly but in complete seriousness, "did you talk like this? One mo-ment, zare eez a problem weeth zee moo-stosh. Okay, zee moo-stosh eez feexed [twirling imaginary mustache]"--or, "One moment, there is a problem with the mustache. Okay, the mustache is fixed." Basically, she wanted to know if he spoke in a French accent and had a long curled mustache.

She comes up with a lot of stuff, but that one had us laughing hard.

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