Sunday, July 13, 2014

Nellie, age 7

How are you feeling about being seven?  
Exhausted. It's tiring being seven. I mean--what's that word when you're feeling relaxed but like you want to jump and yell "hooray" at the same time? [Exhilarated?] Yeah!

What kinds of things do seven-year-olds do?
They can say words that their parents didn't let them say before. Like [whispering in my ear] butt.   

What are you most excited about for the next year?
Going to Michigan Adventure. And...everything.

Who is your best friend?    
DJ, Annie, Mommy, Daddy, Papa John, and everyone! DJ especially because he's so cute.

Who are your favorite people to play with?
Everyone! DJ and Robynne and Leah. And Annie.

What do you love about all those people?
I don't know...maybe...because they always play with me and make me feel better when I feel sad.

What kinds of things are you good at?
Art and music, and playing swings. Watching TV! Saving money? Reading. Mostly everything. But I'm not good at climbing trees. I don't know how to. 

What do you want to be when you grow up?
A superhero and a mommy. And a gardener. A hunter.

Why do you want to be all those things?
Because it will be fun, and it looks like it's fun to be pregnant because you don't have to do chores all around the house. [Oh. My. Gosh.] Because I want to save people. A hunter because it's fun to shoot and get out into nature and call things until your throat hurts and you can't speak. That happened to me once.

What’s your favorite song?   
[Singing] Everything is Awesome!

Favorite movie?   
The Lego Movie and Frozen and--what's the word--Brave! And I also really really really really like My Little Ponies and Powerpuff Girls! Those are shows, not movies.

Favorite book?   
The Boxcar Children "series." [Finger quotes in the air.]

Favorite color?   
Blue, pink, and yellow, and that, you know, like darky pinky purply color mixed together? Wait, I'll show you. This color. [Fuchsia.]

What’s your favorite thing to play?   
Powerpuff Girls, cowgirls, light sabers with Xander, and mostly everything. Except pretending I'm dead.

Is there anything else you want us to know about you?   
I like milk and I like taking pictures. I really like my new brother Edmund, and my new birthday presents. I got pretty much everything I wanted except a baby doggy. Well, any baby animal will do.

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