Friday, August 5, 2016

Sibling love

Overheard Nellie saying to a new friend at the pool: "I have four siblings. Three can be fairly annoying. One I'm not sure about yet. That's Mary Cate. The one in my mom's stomach."

I had this conversation with Annie yesterday:

     Annie: Mom, when the baby is born will you still say I'm the middle child?

     Me: Sure, because you are still a middle, DJ, and Eddie are all in the middle, though.

     Annie: I mean, will you still say, "I know what that's like because I was also the second

     Me: Of course! You and I are in the exact same place in our families. Second child, middle sister,
     we both have a younger brother and sister. We just didn't have an Eddie in my family.

     Annie: Then no offense but I think our family is cuter than your family, because Eddie is SO cute.

Sorry siblings, but I think she's right. Eddie seriously ups the cuteness factor around here.

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