Sunday, June 30, 2024

Fourth of July week 2024 - Day 1

I'm excited for this quiet getaway with the kids - a week in Sault Ste. Marie!
  • So much sanctification happened in the process of preparing to leave and driving north. I thought we might not make it.
  • But we did! John met us at the condo and treated us to pizza, and it was a nice surprise to spend that time together. Mary swam for about 10 minutes before a big storm came through and left things cold (50s) and windy. We watched the storm and Full House (the favorite when we are up north for some reason) and played a space-themed trivia game, learning that Papa John knows some interesting space facts and destroyed us all,
  • We went for the silliest of walks, in which I learned to do the Griddy, we laughed a lot, and determined that our average maturity level had been that of an 8th-grade boy, which they argued is notably lower than a 6th-grade boy.

Bless our pilgrim quest for restoration! - From A Liturgy for Leaving on Holiday

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