Monday, July 8, 2024

Annie, age 15

The official Tigers photographer captured this picture and sent it to Kevin!

Annie and her birthday present

My new normal view of Annie

A great moment this year!

We kicked off Annie's birthday with a trail run!

What a year it's been for Annie as she started high school! She learned the ropes of high school coursework, ran cross country, played basketball, made new friends and deepened old friendships, was in two musicals, and successfully completed drivers training. I love spending time with her, and for better or worse (for her), there's a lot of that! We have long car rides to and from school made longer by construction are the best time to chat and debrief. And now she can drive us around...which may be the first major source of conflict in our mother/daughter relationship. Annie is a girl who stops in to see me between classes or at lunch just to say 'hi.' She continues to be my "right-hand girl" in helping keep life more organized and running more smoothly.

We're excited to see what the next year holds as Annie moves on to sophomore year!

It's been a big year for you! What is one of your favorite memories from the last year?
The whole cross country season, but then especially making it to States and then running at States. Also, I don't know if it was like my favorite part of the year, but a formative experience was the day I ran at States and then went straight to the musical. 

Other memories were last year's Soo trip and basketball camp. High School Musical was fun.

What is one way God's been working in your life?
I feel like it was a really good year - freshman year - I probably wouldn't redo it if given a chance, but everything went well, I guess. It had its bad parts but it was really good. I've been able to grow spiritually and in my relationship with God, but also with my friends and teachers. With cross country I was able to deepen relationships with people. I could get a ride with a senior and talk to them!

How do you feel about being fifteen?
It feels so much older! I was excited for my birthday but then it really snuck up on me. Sixteen is a really big birthday, but 15 is just such a nice number. Taylor Swift has a song about it...I don't feel old, but 15-year-olds seem old! Like when I was nine, 15 seemed so old!

What are you most looking forward to in the next year?
I'm looking forward to cross country and also the rest of summer. Our Muskegon trip. Oh, I have Algebra work to do! I'm not looking forward to that, though. I'm looking forward to but also worried about Spirit Week. It's really fun but has its ups and downs, you know? But since we're not freshmen anymore, we probably won't be last. 

Wait - what am I looking forward to - the Taylor Swift concert! 

In a year I'll be 16, so by then I'll hopefully have my drivers license!

What is one goal you have for next year?
To find a good balance - and this is so hard - to remember that I don't have to do everything. I want to do my best but not overwork myself, but also not underwork myself either. 

Who would you say are your best friends?
Lydia, Hudson, and Juliette, Adrienne and Makenna, and Robynne.

What would you say are some of your strengths?
I feel like that's something you have to answer, not me! 

I'm pretty self-sufficient, like if I want to do something, I want to do it myself as much as possible. I feel like I'm pretty smart, most of the time I think things through. Okay that can also be my downfall, but I try to be considerate. I put a lot of thought into things. Like thinking, "If I do this, what's going to happen?"

I don't like saying good things about myself!

I hope people think I'm kind, especially freshman year, in high school, there's been more negativity and people saying things they don't mean, so I try to break the chain.

What's something you're not-so-good at, yet?
I'm not good at making decisions quickly. I think I'm not very good at not if there's something I want to be a part of, or that I think I should be a part of, I do it. 

What was your biggest accomplishment this year?
Maybe getting nominated for homecoming court? I think getting through the first semester of high school with cross country and the musical.

What was a low moment?
When the Lions almost made it to the Superbowl and then didn't. I like the winter, but it gets kind of dark and want school to be done and it's just not. It's dark, and cold, and sad. But there were a lot of high moments in my life, too!

What careers are you considering?
I'll give you the main ones, and then we can add some [laughing]. I would say law, sports medicine, and occupational therapy. Less seriously but still thinking about it...interior design, something cooking related like owning a bakery or like being a chef somewhere.

What’s your favorite song or type of music? 
That is really hard. It's easy to say that I really love Taylor Swift music. I could say Speak Now really speaks to my heart, but I wouldn't say it's my favorite. I have some favorite songs that we sing in chapel, and I generally like random 90s and 2000s music.
What's your favorite food?
Chocolatey stuff, obviously. Pasta, specifically pesto pasta, Panera mac and cheese, and Bob Evans mac and cheese. I really like cheese. Ooh, and bread! Also Tim Hortons in general.

Current favorite movie or TV show?
Probably Gilmore Girls. Movie - maybe Pride and Prejudice or the Back to the Future series.

Current book(s) you're reading?
I've been working on the Harry Potter series for way too long. But I've also read other books in between. I am planning to read Firekeeper's Daughter again. I'm reading Surprisingly Sarah.

Favorite color?
Purple has always been my favorite color. I still like more pastel colors.
Favorite place to be?
Probably here, Sault Ste. Marie. Petoskey, home, and Tim Hortons.

What are your favorite things to do? 
Ah, so many! I like to do sports, play guitar, musical theater, bake, read, be with my family. I like to do music-related things. Sing, go to concerts and stuff. Hanging out with my friends.

If you could describe your year in one line from a song, what would it be?
"I'm wonderstruck" from Taylor Swift's Enchanted.

What was a favorite birthday present?
My guitar, Taylor Swift stuff.

Is there anything else you want us to know about you? 
I don't know...normally I say that I'm still single, but now it's just getting sad.

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