Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Nellie, age 17


Big cousin, little cousin

Some things never change...Nellie with a tiny toad!

Storytime with German

That one time we dropped off Nellie to tour Europe

First day of school

How Nellie will live in my memory for a long time!

Between band, working at the Sun Theater, a vibrant social life (including a regular Dungeons and Dragons night with friends?!), flute lessons, and kicking off summer with a trip to Germany, I felt like I never saw Nellie this spring! We even started joking about our "rare Nellie sightings." So a long vacation up north and a quieter month of July with some one-on-one hikes and a concert has been a great chance to reconnect and spend lots of quality time together. 

During last year's interview, Nellie focused on the upcoming junior year, which is known to be tough. She handled it like a pro, though, one day at a time. She successfully navigated two AP classes and continued to grow in maturity and independence as she increasingly managed her own time and responsibilities. Though I did get to witness one particular moment when she ripped up her Precalculus homework and had to tape it back together later. 
It's hard to believe Nellie is officially a senior (and we're senior parents). But at the same time, she was sort of born ready, running full-tilt toward adulthood, whether we're ready or not! We're hoping for a slightly quieter year as we prioritize fewer activities so we can spend as much time together as possible. I know this year will be exciting, and a little terrifying, and we will all learn a lot.

Here's a fun fact - I had to go back and look, but this is Nellie's 15th birthday interview. We started this when Nellie was 3, which makes sense because Annie was a baby and I'd given up on the idea of a baby book. We're nearing the end of this birthday interview journey!

You did a lot this year! What is one of your favorite memories from the last year?
There are so many. I would definitely have to say soloing with the Lansing Concert Band and performing a concerto, but also going to Europe for the first time. Going to Chicago with Alyssa, performing at Ford Field. The whole experience of being drum major.

What is one way God's been working in your life?
Well first of all, being presented with amazing opportunities for leadership and growth and to share my talents and gifts and passions - traveling, music, working at Woldumar and sharing my love of nature. I've been a crazy world traveler this year. I've been to six states and four countries this year! I've been blessed with these opportunities. There are lots of things that I look back on and wish I had done or said something different, and it's a reminder that God gives us the choice to make decisions and follow Him. I can think of times that I could have shown God's light in a way I didn't, but God gives us the chance to reflect on that and acknowledge it and then growing and learning from those experiences 

How do you feel about being seventeen?
It's a little daunting, I guess. It's weird to think this is my last year of being a child, technically. Where has all the time gone? [Where indeed, child.] But it doesn't feel all that different than 16, I guess. There aren't really any big milestones, it's a weird in-between year. There's so many good songs about being 17...Dancing Queen.

What are you most looking forward to in the next year?
The marching band show. We just wrapped up leadership training and that kind of got me motivated and the enthusiasm is flowing now. I'm feeling pumped and it's a really good show theme. I'm most nervous about college applications/auditions. But also excited for that in a way.

What is one goal you have for next year?
Humility and patience are my two biggest goals this year. As an oldest sibling with a lot of personality...and I like to have control of things, I need to ask for help when I need it and acknowledge when I'm wrong. Just taking my time and enjoying the present, not focusing too much on the past or the future. Especially being patient with siblings, teachers, friends...staying positive and making the most of this time.

Who would you say are your best friends?
Kate, Lacy, Jocelyn, Alyssa, and Ava. Annie and Robynne.

What would you say are some of your strengths?
This is hard, I hate talking about myself. Hopefully people see me as a good leader, I think I'm fairly good at managing stress. I generally handle my emotions well and try not to let them get the best of me. But sometimes you just need to get your aggression out. You can only take so many deep breaths before you hyperventilate. They should quote that! 

What's something you're not-so-good at, yet?
I think this is related to the goals question. I need to work on being's a good skill to have when you're in a position of leadership. I need to get better at being okay with having downtime. Being still. I need to find a balance between being too busy, jumping right from one thing to the next, and being lazy. I need to schedule time to be still. [I have to say, she comes by it honest.]

What was your biggest accomplishment this year?
I would have to say auditioning with and winning the Bloomquist Prize and soloing with the Lansing Concert Band.

What was a low moment?
End of winter/early spring was just a low season in general. It's a stressful time with school, emotions seem bigger in winter. I felt worn out, school got overwhelming, I didn't see my friends as much.

This question is getting real...what careers are you considering?
At the end of last school year, for AP Biology, we had to research a biological career we found interesting. I knew before I wanted to do something with environmental science, so I started researching botany and that seems a lot more interesting to me than general biological science as a major and it's a little more hands-on and nature based. It's an undergraduate major than you could do at lots of different places and it offers a chance to focus on different graduate degrees.

But I'm also hoping to do a double major or minor in flute performance so I can continue with band in college. I'm not sure that will translate into a career. I don't know.

What’s your favorite song or type of music? 
Lately I've been listening to a lot of Matchbox 20 and Counting Crows, so that late 90s/early 2000s pop rock genre. I also listen to a lot of Green Day and Coldplay. Basically the bands that you guys like, I like also. I would also say Taylor Swift.
What's your favorite food?
I would probably say pesto pasta. A classic, I think I said that last year, too. I also really like cherries and peaches.

Current favorite movie or TV show?
The Amazing Spiderman, Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightly, and the new Little Women.
Current book(s) you're reading?
I'm reading a Mary Oliver poetry collection and slowly making my way through Braiding Sweetgrass, a collection of essays. I'm also reading Angela's Ashes and just finished reading the Penderwick series.

Favorite color?
Blue. But honestly green has been a second favorite lately. The color of the leaves when the sun is shining through them.
Favorite place to be?
Probably my house and Sault Ste. Marie. Also Arby's. Just kidding. 

What are your favorite things to do? 
Read, play the flute, hiking, being with friends, being outside, going for walks. Not driving.

If you could describe your year in one line from a song, what would it be?
Well it's a whole chorus of a describes junior year really well. Matchbox 20, Mad Season.

Well I feel stupid
But it's something that comes and goes
And I've been changing
I think it's funny how no one knows
We don't talk about
The little things that we do without
When that whole mad season comes around...I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.

What was a favorite birthday present?
I think my Chacos. Also multiple Snoopy shirts. 

Is there anything else you want us to know about you? Will this be your last birthday interview?
I don't know, I feel like 18 will be the last maybe. Have a nice day! >:)

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