This is what I keep trying to tell myself moving into and through this semester. Life just really revved up for us, with school starting (and all the waking up early, homework, lunch-and-backpack-packing that goes with it), the first day of hunting season (read: solo parenting), teaching a remedial math class and the senior preservice teachers (which is rewarding but not for the weak of heart), and collecting data for my dissertation (two days a week in 7th-grade classrooms).
I'm just really trying to take things one day at a time and trust that everything will happen more or less when it needs to happen, and that I'll have the energy to keep going. Basically, I'm trying not to panic. Every once in awhile, though, I can feel it start to bubble up. Like today. And at these moments, this favorite clip of mine from My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic comes to mind.
Jamie, you crack me up! :) I love that you readily found this clip to post, too!! Good luck with all you have going on! If anyone can tackle it all, it's you. And when in doubt, just tie some balloons around your waist. :)