Sunday, March 22, 2020

Covid-19 Social Distancing: Week 1

Governor Whitmer announced late Thursday night, March 12, that schools would be closed for three weeks as of Monday. The kids have been out once since school closed at the end of the day Friday, to go for a hike at Woldumar. Plus lots of playing outdoors as the late winter/early spring weather allows, staying at least 6 feet away from any walkers or runners!
When the playground is closed... can still play ball (this made me nervous)

and parking rails make nice balance beams.

What has been the best part of being home?
Nellie: Mary has been so funny. She makes me laugh so much! Like last night when she was running around and singing about lots of turkeys. Then she picked up a leaf and asked it, "Is God real? Is he far away? NO! He's in your heart!" You should have been there.

Annie: I like how I've probably learned more about things in different areas than I do in school. Like I've been learning Spanish and sign language; I don't learn about that in school.

DJ: Going to Woldumar and playing in the "Octopus Tree." School is like three hours instead of seven hours.

Eddie: We still get to do school!

Mary Cate: That mommy gets to be my teacher. [Ribbit, rabbit, ribbit--she's pretending to be Froggy Doggy, her new favorite animal.]

Kevin: We've been eating pretty good. I think we ate three week's worth of food in one week, though.

Mom: That even with the anxiety and tension this week, there's been lots of laughter. Also, all the delicious food. Muffins, biscotti, scones, Swedish meatballs...

What has been the hardest part of being home this week?
Nellie: The boys fighting. And the fact that we're not home because we want to be, we have to be. Plus the fear over coronavirus.

Annie: Probably like Nellie said, the fighting. Every time you turn around, someone's fighting. Then they stop, and a few minutes later, someone else is fighting. Also, privacy goes down the drain.

DJ: Living with everyone is super hard. Like living with everyone, all the time.

Eddie: I don't think I have one!

Mary Cate: That I DON'T get to see my teachers and my friends that I love.

Kevin: Uncertainty.

Mom: The Extreme Togetherness plus teaching through remote learning plus worry for others, for our family, for our community, and the future.

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