Sunday, March 29, 2020

Covid-19 Social Distancing: Week 2

On Monday, we had the official executive order to stay at home. It seems like as we moved into our second week it would be worse, but at least we're in somewhat of a routine. For me, the highlight was definitely the "Festival of Learning" we held Friday night. It started out as sort of a joke, but it ended up being a fun way to celebrate what the kids have been working on. Nellie made a German meal of kniffles, jaegerschnitzel, and sauerkraut, played a new song on her flute, and shared her Germany presentation. Annie shared her Spain presentation and a tutorial about her liquid nightlight, and played her ukulele. The boys played piano and DJ said the three French words he knows. :) Mary Cate recited the Bible verse.

I also loved driving around town tonight delivering Annie's biscotti and cookies to local family members, but that was bittersweet, too, since we couldn't stay to visit.

Drawing letters in pudding
This is a terribly dangerous game in which one person climbs the tree and "hides" the ball out of reach... 
...then the other person tries to get it down.
Making kniffles, crutches style
Baking with Avery virtually!

What has been the highlight of your week, and what has been the hardest part?
Nellie: The hardest part has been having a new cast. It's been really painful on my ankle. The highlight was making the German dinner for everyone.

DJ: A highlight was everyone playing together outside, even Nellie. The hardest part is having to be with everyone, all the time, even when they're annoying.

Eddie: The best part was that I won a bunch of championships. The hardest part was a bunch of people being grouchy, probably. But really there are no bad parts. There are so many fun things to do.

Annie: Virtual baking with Avery was the highlight. For the hardest part...maybe just people not getting along. I wish we'd get along more.

Kevin: The highlight was getting outside, getting some home repairs done.  [He didn't think we'd want to remember the bad parts.]

Mary Cate was already sleeping.

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