Monday, May 25, 2020

Covid-19 Social Distancing: Week 10

After a tough week 9, this week was a lot better. Nellie perked up and seems more like herself--she learned to cross stitch (thanks to Laurel and Dave!) and by the end of the week, started hanging out with us outside her room. Annie designated it Spirit Week and had every kid pick a theme day. We had favorite color, video game character, sports, book character, and career day.
A Mario mushroom and Harry Potter
We got matching quarantine shirts when the internet totally got me with targeted marketing of shirts in our favorite colors perfectly suited to our personalities!

Annie started a cooking club for the other kids, which inspired her to start her own little Youtube channel. She (and I) are learning a lot about producing homemade baking videos and it's a new way for her to pursue and share her favorite hobby.

Speaking of new skills, I watched a Youtube video and trimmed the girls' hair, and it did not turn out bad!
Annie helped check Mary's hair
We did have one more trip to urgent care when Kevin cut his finger right open at work, but that didn't stop him from spending all Memorial Day weekend doing yard work. It's looking better! (The finger and the yard.)

Other fun things...
LCS field day!
For career day, Annie dressed up as a teacher in my own clothes 💜
We started visiting a little trail near our house

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